"The Soddy Mountain hawk lookout is located in southeast Tennessee on the eastern face of Walden's Ridge (the Cumberland Escarpment) in Hamilton County, a short distance north of the town of Soddy-Daisy, TN. It lies at the eastern terminus of Jones Gap Road atop a bluff overloooking Hwy. 111 and the beautiful Tennessee River Valley to the east. The hawk lookout location is state-owned land, and there are currently no restroom or eating facilities nearby. Hawk watchers are advised to bring their own folding lawn chair, sunscreen, a hat, and drinking water, as well as binoculars and a field guide. Caution should be used at all times, especially if children are present, as there is no fence to prevent a fall off the nearby 75 foot bluff. The hawk lookout proper is level ground." *

No Shelter is available, and parking is on a level below the lookout grounds. The climb to the watch site is up a steep bank about 8' high. Other helpful tools might include an umbrella or spotting scope, although on a good day, you might not find time to use either.*

Courtesy of William G. (Bill) Haley, compiler and author of the brochure, Soddy Mountain Hawk Lookout, produced for TOS.

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk
Falconer Mr. Johnson's Red-tail

Friday, September 20, 2024

A New Observation Member for the Crew

On Thursday, 9 19 24, Nicole, who messaged us between seasons, was able to come up for a trial day. She had wanted to help as much as she is able and is a birder. As it turns out, Bill feels she will be a great hawk watcher, and goodness knows we can us help. We have always said, "more eyes to the skies" makes for better more accurate counts. And less weary counters. Welcome!!! Nicole. Hope I can get up to meet you. Today we get to add Shape-shinned Hawk to the running and expanding list. Yay Here's the report:

A Little Oopsy

On Wednesday, 9 18 24 Bill reported having some of our best loved visitors, a dear friend Susan Schott, and Bill's Daughter Mindy and Son-in law Marc. Who couldn't love a day like that? But even with help, the clouds didn't clear as early as hoped, and it even rained a couple of times before it cleared. But once it cleared the small kettles kept popping up. At the end of an enjoyable afternoon, Bill made a little oppsy when recording his count, so while we waited for clarification, we have not posted until now. So glad they had a little fun during their visit. Thanks for coming Susan, Mindy and Mark!! Here's the report:

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Who Can Complain About a Little Rain?

Tuesday, 9-17-24 Well, a Hawk Watcher might have a small complaint. LOL Because you can't see migrating hawks in the rain. We needed the rain though. It was very late in the afternoon before skies cleared a little in the valley, so Bill did not have a watch opportunity. It is difficult to tell this morning if we have just a fog layer, or it will be rainy again...I feel sure Bill will test it and let us know. Here's the report for Tuesday:

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Day 2 for me is setting up the running log, finding a 3 bird error from last year, and a little editing of the blog page. Running totals are now caught up. We are underway! Have a great day everyone.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Opening Weekend for Fall 2024

Tami King went up on Saturday, and early Sunday morning as she faithfully does every opening weekend each fall. Thank you so much Tami. Bill's first Day was after Church on Sunday the 15th, and he has sent us the first report for the 2024 Hawk Watch Season. It's International Hawk Migration Week Here is the story in stats and pictures:
As always we remind you to KEEP LOOKING UP!!!

First Report of Fall 2024

I did not finish out 2023 properly, quite a few projects got in the way, so I am going to post the final report for Here before moving on, so I can make sure final stats are correct on the page before making this year's additions: